Tools for startup

Tools for startup

Tools share a video presentation/pitch - create a facebook group for the development to interact with the team create a facebook group to interact with users create a survey on google forms? add to the survey an email contact (for newsletters) share with users video presentation ppt sharepoint Inspired by startupweekends events in London, Amsterdam, Bruxelles, Luxemburg [read more]

Android overview

Android overview

Goals I need a clear criteria of success so I should have a very simple problem to solve. (done) Local - I should have an application on my phone (done) Pages - Display 10 pages with images of a fairy tale. (done) Voice - Play audio romanian voice on each page. (done) Autoplay - After the current page audio finishes move to next page. (done to test) No hide while listening (done) read pages/images from assets uris (done) Hide at the end (done) single track: skip when image is changed (done) single track: automatically change image when markers are reached... [read more]

Thank you team

Thank you team

As you know we are in a period of time when our work is reviewed and analysed to decide the future of the EESSI project. [read more]