

#Thesis We need a higher level human language I will first review the history of communication artifacts. I will show what is the problem with the current verbal communication tools that we devised. Then I will move to hints to a possible solution. In a second article I will present ways developed in computer science to conquer complexity through language, abstractization levels, paradigms, general and domain specific languages. Then I will try to construct a solution for the 100 year future human language. History Spoken language The history of biology, humans and then our civilization documents that we started to... [read more]

Life Patterns 1

 Life Patterns 1

#De ce ne luptam cu altii? Sunt necesare pentru inceput cateva clarificari asupra limbajului. #Ce actiuni putem face Actiunea este definita de actorii Subiect - cel ce face actiunea Obiect - cel asupra caruia se face actiunea Actiunea urmareste transformarea realitatii conform cu o intentie initiala. Pentru un actor rezultatul poate fi L (rau / lose) atunci cand rezultatul nu e dorit W (bun / win) atunci cand rezultatul e dorit C (constant) atunci cand rezultatul nu e nici dorit nici nedorit (rezultat indiferent) Rezultatul interactiei intre subiect si obiect e de tipurile W win-win succes total ambii au castigat... [read more]

How To Convert Sourceforge To Github

 How To Convert Sourceforge To Github

Steps import entire project from cvs repository in sourceforge mkdir ~/quickrex cd ~/quickrex rsync -av rsync:// ~/quickrex use git cvsimport to extract modules from local cvs repository mkdir ~/quickrex-application cd ~/quickrex-application/ git cvsimport -p x -v -d ~/quickrex I18N update local repository from remote github project (that was already created) cd ~/quickrex-application/ git remote add origin git pull origin master submit merged sources git push origin master PS. Based on [read more]

Children Brainteasers

 Children Brainteasers

Games If you want to let your child exercise his/her brain you could try these games Blokus Blokus junior Tangram Thinkfun Spacerails Bricklink - an unofficial LEGO Marketplace Shapescapes Lego Duplo trains Knex knex ball machine Thrill rides Universe They can get a sense of big distances with these websites: Scale of universe in pictures Scale of universe in drawings Scale of universe in pictures2 #Math Teach math euclid the game - geometry online khan academy coursera geogebra Math contests Teach programming Learn programming resources/games/classes for everyone. kids scratch [alice[( code one hour light boot learn code khan academy... [read more]



Sursa: Discutii pe facebook: toc Descriere Asta e un index al altor grupuri atee din Romania. code Grupul se vrea un index al altor grupuri atee din Romania. Scopuri 1. Creearea unei comunitati atee in Romania 2. Valoarea grupului este data doar de lista catre resurse (daca grupul e sters poate fi creeat rapid cu aceleasi reguli) Regulile sunt simple: 1. Nu sunt acceptate mesje pro/contra legate de ateism/religii 2. Mesajele membrilor trebuie sa aiba legatura cu propunerea de linkuri catre alte resurse (gen grupuri, forumuri) Sfaturi 1. E de preferat ca resursele referite aici sa ofere un... [read more]

Health Debugging Engineer Style

Health Debugging  Engineer Style

What all these tags have in common: health, cold, flu, allergy, engineering, debugging, Oscars, attendee list, algorithms, binary search, divide and conquer? What do I know till now (2014-03-11 - 36 years old): Health issues Catching cold, flu or allergy There are a lot of symptoms that are connected and usually people don’t bother to differentiate between them. Several links follow, maybe I will have time to make a synthesis. cold flu allergies How you get it Traditional explanations You might find different explanations for this starting from older people like we have in Romania (and it seems... [read more]

How To Procrastinate Efficiently

How To Procrastinate Efficiently

A perfect procrastinate performer should employ as much as possible tactics from the following list. They are split on several situations. Real time communication Never give a clear answer on the spot. Use “Let me look into this”. Clarify that there is a special place to have discussions about work: workplace. Is fine to have discussions about hobbies at workplace: they improve the cohesion factor. Master small talk. Be prepared to discuss about the topics that have higher probability to be of interest for your target: * Others * Networks and who’s who * Colleagues * Children * Opposite sex... [read more]

Ateism Goals

Ateism Goals

Care e scopul in sine al asociatiilor/grupurilor de atei/agnostici in Romania/Lume? Acceptarea de catre oameni ca religia (ca orice idee) poate fi criticata. Impotrivirea fatza de “educatia” dogmatica si inlocuirea ei cu gandirea critica. Diminuarea puterii bisericii (BOR) care isi foloseste puterea(scutiri de taxe, donatii, retea, educatie) pentru acumularea de mai multa putere(biserici, educatie). Ce nu e de dorit sa se intample Discutii elitiste in cerc restrans - pentru ca discutiile in turn de fildes nu produc schimbari. Mistoul, atacul la persoana - pentru ca radicalizeaza discutia deci sunt inutile sau chiar distrugatoare. Mistoul, atacul gratuit al religiei - pentru... [read more]

Working for europeean comission

Working for europeean comission

Notice period and handover In the 20 working days notice period, after you’re fired, the unit manager, the project manager and development team manager all agree that your job for the rest of the days in the project should be: read about a technology that they want to use it as a replacement of what you did understand it build and deliver a prof of concept based on that To detail Firing process [read more]



Why not virtual tourism? google earth street view panoramio google images [read more]