Best dev books

Best dev books

Books that I wish to be written or recommended to me earlier: Principles, Practices all Joel Spolsky Smart and Gets Things Done all Andrew Hunt, David Thomas The Pragmatic Programmer 1999 all Frederick Brooks The Mythical Man-Month Essays on Software Engineering, Anniversary Edition all Joel Sposky Joel on Software all Jon Bentley programming-pearls-2nd-edition.9780201657883.23633 all Kent Beck addison-wesley test-driven development by example all Kent Beck Extreme Programming Explained Addison Wesley (1999) all Kent Beck Test Driven Development By Example (2002) all Robert Martin Clean Code A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship (2008) all Ron Jeffries Extreme Programming all Steve Krug Don’t... [read more]

Image Size

Image Size

Problem Question If you are to create digital content what should be the resolution that should be used in photoshop for example? Answer 2560x1600 Details Concepts Density-independent pixel (dp) - The conversion of dp units to screen pixels is simple: px = dp * (dpi / 160). For example, on a 240 dpi screen, 1 dp equals 1.5 physical pixels. Others to investigate resolution (width, height) diagonal dpi colours transparency reflection (mirror - maximum, black - minimum?, metallic colours: gold, silver ….) Ratio Width Height R=W/H desc 17 9 1.888 - 16 9 1.775 = 5 3 1.666 = 15/9... [read more]

Ro Legi

Ro Legi

Cunoaste-ti legile Orincine ar trebui sa aiba cunostinte minime despre legile din tara sa (si poate mai putine cunostinte de trigonometrie si analiza matematica) constitutia codul civil pdf [read more]



Blogging tools [] - hosted by pelican with help from dropbox octopress evernote Ideally should have the following features: CNAME own your data (own your content by having files locally) versioning support (ideally through scm tools and automatic extraction of changes presented in a history part) custom tags (presented in a special section details) automatic rss support [read more]



Projects that I might never create An personal assistant that will provide the same feeling of completion when you read a book but for websites. It should compute the total website size and how many “pages”/”sentences” were read. For example … what percentage from the content here I read? This should also answer to the question: Do people read nowadays? [read more]

Ro Agileism

Ro Agileism

Liberarianism Issues (romanian) O vreme credeam destul de mult in libertarianism ca la ceva viabil. Acum am ceva mixed feelings. Cred ca exista niste proprietati emergente din libertarianism pe care nu le putem vedea pt ca nu exista destula practica. De exemplu mi-e teama de explele de sectoare private din sua (care teoretic sunt influentate doar de piata): drept (armate, mafii de juristi) asigurari sanatate (cartel de asigurari de sanatate care vad ca nu e spart de nimeni desi domeniul e privat) telefonie (cartel de servicii de date, telefonie care e greu de spart) Se pare ca domeniile astea nu... [read more]

Distributed State

Distributed State

State vs Events It will be nice to always perceive the status of a flow at two levels: Raw Flow (Raw/Low Level Flow) - is just the simple ordered list of all FlowChanges. All the information is there. Flow (Business/High Level Flow) - is the high level state of the flow described in business terms. This state is inferred from the Raw Flow. In general is good to decouple those since they are very useful in different circumstances and good to support different responsibilities: Raw Flow is good for synchronizing all the details, to ensure parallelism, to detect conflicting changes,... [read more]



Question Monday, November 4, 2013: AZ - 10:10 PM Today at work I started a conversation with another developer. Maybe I am too affected by what I am reading and I follow them religiously. The conversation was about returning or passing nulls and I was saying that is always bad and people should throw exceptions or follow the null object design pattern. The counterargument was that there are simple cases that returning null is valid and the solutions I am suggesting add complexity. Now I am confused. General Answer In engineering is always about trade-offs. There is no room for... [read more]